Saturday, October 18, 2014


Can a tail wag its dog? In any case where something of greater importance is driven by something lesser.Wikipedia says:
…is taken from the joke: “Why does a dog wag its tail? Because a dog is smarter than its tail. If the tail was smarter, the tail would wag the dog.” Interpretations differ as to the meaning of this metaphor. Some suggest the dog is public opinion, and the tail represents the media; the dog is the media, and the tail is political campaigns; or the dog is the people, and the tail is the government…”
Wikipedia sometimes gets it wrong as in Launcestion it seems like its the tail that's the underlings and that might be doing the wagging but however much one might think it you cannot really say it without being there to see. But people guess ... speculate even!


Edward King said...

The extra issue at Town Hall is that the dog also has fleas...
A taxidermist approach is akin to using a sledgehammer to crack a walnut, so maybe a good cold shower could just about stimulate a little bit of calmness here.
The 'old guard' Aldermen just need to slip away quietly and in return they retain some semblance of dignity......otherwise the electors may just take Agent Orange to them all ... and that may be a little hurtful, albeit effective in cleaning up the kennel.
And then there is the issue of dealing with the tail...docking is frowned upon by the RSPCA these days, but still if that's the only way to stop it wagging the dog then he will just have to go....!

Dismayed said...

Yes this has a certain truth about it. Town Hall if you go there enough is certainly a place that could be called "cartoon fodder".
Aldermen not being able to talk to staff is laughable and frightening (:–/
Staff not being able to talk to Aldermen is sad and preposterous (:–(
A GM unable to go anywhere without a DIRECTOR , what the F***K is going on here?? (:–0 OMG
A GM doing everything except wear the mayor's chain and silly hat, what the F***K are ratepayers paying for???

Me, I have got me F***KEN fingers and everything crossed.

Mrs Simpson said...

Very funny Edward, you have had me in stiches.

Madas HELL said...

All well and good Mrs Simpson but this is bloody serious, really serious. These turkeys are messing with our money as if we were of no account and they get away with it. That is the less than funny bit.

The Coordinator said...

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Nelly Ferrule said...

Will someone PLEASE enlighten us as to what is going on?? The ratepayers have a right to know!

Hapless Ratepayer said...

Well well it does seem that tail down at town hall will never give up trying to wag the dog. Possibly its time to consider docking the tail